€ 895,90 Iva inc.
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Product Description:
Hookah Hi-Tech Club (Corallic version) aims to disrupt the traditional hookah system! The technical achievement of the Hi-tech hookah is the elimination of tobacco combustion, the preservation of flavor, and the elimination of the use of tin foil or heat manager. The technical achievement is achieved with the use of a tobacco bowl, and a coal dish specially designed for smoking without the use of other accessories. In addition, the bowl and a rod create a thermal system, which increases the capacity of heat dissipation. Above the bowl is a built-in heat manager with holes for air to pass through. Around this area, above the tobacco bowl, is a platform, the latter of which takes excess heat from the charcoal and keeps the temperature of the brazier stable. The protrusion prevents coal from falling out of the bowl of a water pipe.
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